This is the side panel, where you will be granted the ease of access to updates, upcoming events, staff, links and sponsors.Be sure to catch Ant-Man in theatres July 17th!
Summer 2015
July - 1
Magneto. Creator of the forum (but not of the group). I am the one who has edited this lovely code created by a highly skilled forum layout creator. I'm also a writer/role-player who will contribute to the overall activity and hopefully sucess of this very fine forum. Enjoy!
Hiring for staff!
Hiring for staff!
July 1, 2015
As you all would obviously have spotted, the forum is no longer just a simple blue default one. Instead it is an advancely coded one that allows a better appearance and a handy chat box. Enjoy!
Month Day
Duis at elit id tortor luctus condimentum. Nam erat velit, ultricies malesuada nibh ut, molestie luctus tellus. Donec varius nisi quis nunc convallis venenatis. Pellentesque orci dui, ultricies sit amet mi at, tincidunt mollis mauris. Mauris viverra tellus nec sapien accumsan pellentesque. Nulla tristique porttitor commodo.
Month Day
Duis at elit id tortor luctus condimentum. Nam erat velit, ultricies malesuada nibh ut, molestie luctus tellus. Donec varius nisi quis nunc convallis venenatis. Pellentesque orci dui, ultricies sit amet mi at, tincidunt mollis mauris. Mauris viverra tellus nec sapien accumsan pellentesque. Nulla tristique porttitor commodo.